

1. Boredom with Gym Routines

Mahira finds gym exercises repetitive Mahira-has-little-interest-in-the-gym

Activities like lifting weights or running on a treadmill feel dull to her.

She enjoys more engaging activities like dancing or outdoor sports instead.

2. Feeling Intimidated

The gym environment makes her uncomfortable.

She notices that many people at the gym appear very fit, which makes her self-conscious.

This fear of judgment discourages her from going.

3. Alternative Healthy Lifestyle

Mahira believes health isn’t dependent on gyms alone.

She prefers healthy eating and regular walks.

Staying active in her daily life is enough for her to maintain fitness.

Mahira avoids the gym because she finds it boring, feels intimidated, and believes in alternative ways to stay healthy Mahira-has-little-interest-in-the-gym


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